Watchfire Creed

We the members of Watchfire, do affirm the following to be truths upon which our lives are built.

- That God is the one and only true God and is one with

Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

- That God the Father is omnipotent and almighty, ruling

the universe and our individual lives by his grace.

- That Jesus Christ (born of a virgin) is the only son of

God, who died on the cross and was raised to life

by the Father, thereby securing the eternal

salvation of all who believe on his name. His

death cleanses us from all sin and allows us

to come befor the Father.

- That the Holy Spirit is sent to guide and direct us in life,

bearing witness to the presence of the Father

in our lives and empowering the believer

in the service of the Lord.

- That the Bible is the infallible Word of God, eternal

and given for the guidance of his children.

- That we are accountable to God and to our brothers and

sisters for our every action, willing to accept their

reproofs. We are also required by the bonds of

Christian love to hold our brothers and sisters

accountable for their actions.

-That it is our duty and higher calling to remain obedient to

the will of God..



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